Monday, July 20, 2009

Panic attacks, no followers. . . Well then

Well I only have one follower so I'm pretty much talking to myself!! Well yesterday I was not able to blog. The whole day yesterday I was cleaning. Well actually I woke up at like 12:00 in Brooklyn Park. I had been babysitting while the kids mom went out clubbing with her friend and they didn't get home until pretty late at night so I just stayed the night at the woman's house. Well anyway so I got home around 2:00 pm and right away I had to start cleaning. I love that I can have a clean house but only being 14 you should know cleaning for nine hours straight is not fun at all. I took one five minute break (it was not much of a break.) I sat at our kitchen table and had a bottle of water for about five minutes while i sorted through the mail. Then I continued to clean for about three more hours.
Then I had just finished everything I had needed to do except for retrieve the laundry from my apartments laundry room. I was walking down the hallway around 1:25 just thinking to myself how nice it was going to feel when I was back home lying on the couch. I got to the laundry room and I was about to take our dry laundry out of the dryer when the power went out. I am 14 years old and I am afraid of the dark (when it it pitch black.) So I of course walk over, well it was more of a panic run, to the area of the hallway where the blackout lights are. I sat there for a minute panicking. It started getting harrder for me to breath so I took out my phone and called my mom instead of the doing the smart thing and actually walking down the hallway to my house. I felt like I was in a horror movie!
When my mom did not answer I of course called her cell phone and the house phone about 20 times. Finally she woke up and walked down the hallway to me with a candle. We walked to the laundry room together and took out the laundry. When we got home we lit a bunch of candles. After all of the candles were lit I folded some laundry. Once the laundry was all folded I wrote a poem about how afraid I was alone in the dark. I will post my poem once I get more viewers on my blog. After I finished my poem I texted my friend until I passed out.
While cleaning and being bored I started, "My time line of cleaning."

11:01-Takes first real break from cleaning
11:06-Finishes drinking the Red Bull I stole from my sister hehe
11:15-My arm starts to hurt and I do not know why
11:25-Still waiting for Red Bull to kick in
11:40-Decides it is time to clean the closet
11:42-Sneezes about 30 times in two minutes
11:47-Going to start laundry
12:14-Took down the trash. The cats are finally bored of the large pile of catnip on the floor
12:34-Only one person left to talk to. Not much left to clean
12:39-Abandoned and alone I move on to the bathroom
12:47-Meadow (my girl cat) becomes interested in the spot where the pile of catnip was and starts rolling around like a crazy maniac. I put up our new shower curtain go me
1:16- Feels nauseous
1:22-Drank water nausea is gone
1:40-Power goes out
2:05-Thank you to the inventor of cell phones and candles. The power is out on our whole block hopefully the power will be back on by the time I wake up.
2:06-I start attempting to write a poem
2:09-I finish writing my poem by candle light
2:10-Say a quick prayer then its off to bed for

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